Pedro Morouço was the winner of AJE’s Publishing Method Competiton. The developed methodology to be applied in 2bio4cartilage was the most promising approach presented. Evaluation was made by an industrial panel, to find the best publishing advice from and to researchers.
2bio4cartilage on TV; interview with PI and Carlos Pina @20th september 2017
5th september 2017: kick-off meeting @CDRsp

2bio4cartilage was classified with 4.79 (in a 0-5.00 grade) by the experts panel. It will start at the 1st september 2017 and it is an 18 month integrated intervention, led by IPLeiria and partnered by IPCoimbra, IPSantarém and the Leiria Hospital Centre.
approval of 2bio4cartilage on the media:
Cartilage related diseases are on the top list concerns of the World Health Organization, being the prevention of articular cartilage degeneration a major health matter for which there are few effective solutions. 2bio4cartilage aims: (1) to promote (with and for) students a problem-based learning approach for an enhanced action-learning process; (2) to develop a novel micro co-extrusion with high reliability (to be patented); (3) to engineer biomaterials and bioprocesses for the construction of hybrid and functional scaffolds; (4) to create and disseminate an individual-based exercise program for persons diagnosed with OA; (5) to develop awareness of the society to the OA problem. To contribute to these problems resolution, is mandatory to have multidisciplinary integrated interventional approaches, and perspectives.